27 Jul 02:59 GMT

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FY  xxxmaffy , fiscal year  Wordnet , financial year  Wordnet 
Any accounting period of 12 months  Wordnet 

Base language : English 
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valutajaar   1 validation  DermotMahon , boekjaar   2 validations  katieker , belastingjaar   1 validation  Laurens Landkroon 
Please enter the Dutch definition of this concept.

rok obrotowy   1 validation  karina_b 
Please enter the Polish definition of this concept.

ejercicio social   1 validation  gjuhetar , año financiero   1 validation  Chaniar , gestión fiscal   1 validation  Nova language solutions , año fiscal   1 validation  Nikki Graham 
Please enter the Spanish definition of this concept.

FY   1 validation  Christine Lam , ungerades/schiefes Geschäftsjahr   1 validation
Please enter the German definition of this concept.

esercizio   1 validation  olimpia martinelli , anno fiscale   1 validation
Please enter the Italian definition of this concept.

exercice   1 validation  xxxTransflux , Exercice (financier)   1 validation, anée fiscale   1 validation  Carolingua 
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poslovna godina   1 validation  Bogdan Petrovic 
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poreska godina   1 validation  Natasha 
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वित्तीय वर्ष   1 validation  Balasubramaniam L. 
Please enter the Hindi definition of this concept.

ano contábil; ano financeiro; exercício financeiro   1 validation  Simon Foakes , ano contábil   1 validation  Paulo Celestino Guimaraes 
Please enter the Portuguese definition of this concept.

वित्तीय /आर्थिक वर्ष   1 validation  truptee_n 
Please enter the Marathi definition of this concept.

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KudoZ - valutajaar > financial year

KudoZ - rok obrotowy > financial year

KudoZ - ejercicio social > accounting period

KudoZ - FY > fiscal year

KudoZ - esercizio > Fiscal year

KudoZ - esercizio > fiscal year

KudoZ - exercice > fiscal year

KudoZ - FY 03 > Anno fiscale 2003

KudoZ - poslovna godina > fiscal year

KudoZ - ejercicios sociales > fiscal year

KudoZ - poreska godina > fiscal year

KudoZ - Fiscal year > Exercice (financier)

KudoZ - ejercicio social > fiscal year

KudoZ - financial year > a�o financiero

KudoZ - FY05 > A�o fiscal 2005

KudoZ - ungerades/schiefes Gesch�ftsjahr > fiscal year

KudoZ - gesti�n fiscal > fiscal year

KudoZ - fiscal year > an�e fiscale

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