18 May 17:58 GMT

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French: Medical

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dent de sagesse Any of the last 4 teeth on each side of the upper and lower jaw; the last
Plateaux amovibles Dentistry = Medical: Dentistry elysee 
orthodontie L’ortodonzia è quella branca dell’odontoiatria che si occupa dello studio, duchess 
Un agent tensioactif Dentistry = Medical: Dentistry mireille aboumrad 
opaque Dentistry = Medical: Dentistry Marquis 
teintier Dentistry = Medical: Dentistry mireille aboumrad 
cuspide Éminence des molaires et des prémolaires, sur la face triturante en contact... Ryszard Matuszewski 
palais Cloison qui forme la partie supérieure de la cavité buccale et la sépare de...
pontiques creux Dentistry = Medical: Dentistry mireille aboumrad 
chapes/coiffes d'empreintes/pour empreintes Dentistry = Medical: Dentistry Gat 
ecchymoses faciales Dentistry = Medical: Dentistry Marie-Josée Labonté 
la chirurgie orthognatique Dentistry = Medical: Dentistry Marie-Josée Labonté 
dentisterie conservatrice Dentistry = Medical: Dentistry Claudia Binderberger 
hygiéniste dentaire A specialist in the promotion and practice of cleaniness for the preservati KudoZ 
hygiéniste dentaire A specialist in the promotion and practice of cleaniness for the preservati
gratte-langue Dentistry = Medical: Dentistry NancyLynn 
logette Dentistry = Medical: Dentistry
lissage d'image Dentistry = Medical: Dentistry Nicky Over 
prophylaxie Dentistry = Medical: Dentistry Hipyan Nopri 
coiffes d'empreinte Dentistry = Medical: Dentistry Ingrid Collet 

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Medical specific fields
Dentistry = Medical: Dentistry
Health Care = Med: HC
Medical (general)
Medical: Cardiology
Medical: Instruments
Medical: Pharmaceuticals
Sports / Fitness / Recreation

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