05 May 05:26 GMT

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French: Medical > Medical: Cardiology

Term/concept Contributor
muscle et squelette Medical: Cardiology Ballais Valery 
flottante Medical: Cardiology SML 
torsade Medical: Cardiology Fabienne FRAISSE 
noeud auriculo-ventriculaire Medical: Cardiology Fabienne FRAISSE 
myocardiopathie obstructive hypertrophique Medical: Cardiology Fabienne FRAISSE 
syndrome sinusal Medical: Cardiology Fabienne FRAISSE 
fibrillation Medical: Cardiology Fabienne FRAISSE 
trabeculations infundibulaires Medical: Cardiology Sarah Walls 
shunt mixte Medical: Cardiology sktrans 
pos Medical: Cardiology sktrans 
cpm Medical: Cardiology Jonathan Lukens 
s.u. Medical: Cardiology xxxNora Vinnbru 
Corotrope Medical: Cardiology sktrans 
TAP Medical: Cardiology sktrans 
le drainage pleural Medical: Cardiology vfouet 
les palpitations Medical: Cardiology Krystrad 
fond douloureux Medical: Cardiology claire1 
cycle enzymatique Medical: Cardiology claire1 
suivi clinique Medical: Cardiology Eliane Bannwarth 
hospitalisation index Medical: Cardiology Krystrad 

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