27 Apr 15:59 GMT

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Collection owner:
Enza Longo (0 pts)

106 total concepts
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Term/concept Concept submitter
conciliacao de impostos tax reconciliation (English) Enza Longo 
CONDITIONS ET REMISES D'ACHAT terms and discounts on purchases (English) Enza Longo 
confr�res counterparts (English) Enza Longo 
convergence convergence (English) Enza Longo 
CP Conges a payer - accrued holidays (English) Enza Longo 
CREFITO Conselho Regional de Fisioterapia e Terapia Ocupacional (don't translate) (English) Enza Longo 
criadouro de animais silvestres breeding ground for wild animals (English) Enza Longo 
D.I.(Declaração de Importação) Import Declaration (English) Enza Longo 
delai court the time period (English) Enza Longo 
Desejaria poder parar o tempo neste exato momento... If only I could stop time at this very moment (English) Enza Longo 
diramare.... diramazione transmit/send out/ .... that which is to be /transmitted/sent out/ (English) Enza Longo 
dossier de titres deed records / deeds (English) Enza Longo 
effetto giuridico, qualora vengano meno i requisiti previsti dalla normativa antimafia legal effect, where the provisions of the Anti-mafia laws are violated (English) Enza Longo 
empurrar com a barriga drag one's heels (English) Enza Longo 
era cessato was no longer present (English) Enza Longo 
Esta mudan�a deve ser feita quando a interface for carregada. this change must/should be made (English) Enza Longo 
etre en garantie guarantee period started on (English) Enza Longo 
exhausteur de go�t flavour enhancer (English), smaakversterker (Dutch) Enza Longo 
faire monter moved/posted (English) Enza Longo 
fase di riscaldamento (see context) warm-up phase (English) Enza Longo 

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