05 May 06:19 GMT

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Collection owner:
Lucy Leite (2995 pts)

173 total concepts
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Term/concept Concept submitter
clearing and settlement system sistema de análise de liquidação (de crédito) Lucy Leite 
client computer computador cliente IT (Information Technology) Lucy Leite 
client computer computador cliente IT (Information Technology) Lucy Leite 
client software software cliente IT (Information Technology) Lucy Leite 
client software software cliente IT (Information Technology) Lucy Leite 
clip art imagem IT (Information Technology) Lucy Leite 
clout peso, influência IT (Information Technology) Lucy Leite 
cold reboot reinicialização a frio IT (Information Technology) Lucy Leite 
consumer market mercado ao consumidor IT (Information Technology) Lucy Leite 
continued contínuo IT (Information Technology) Lucy Leite 
cooling resfriamento IT (Information Technology) Lucy Leite 
core network rede central IT (Information Technology) Lucy Leite 
countdown contagem regressiva IT (Information Technology) Lucy Leite 
data point função de dados IT (Information Technology) Lucy Leite 
deal breaker ponto não negociável IT (Information Technology) Lucy Leite 
decision maker decisor IT (Information Technology) Lucy Leite 
deselect desmarcar IT (Information Technology) Lucy Leite 
desktop área de trabalho IT (Information Technology) Lucy Leite 
down inoperante IT (Information Technology) Lucy Leite 
downstream recebimento do fornecedor IT (Information Technology) Lucy Leite 

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