09 May 01:51 GMT

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Portuguese: Art/Literary > Clothing = Textiles

Term/concept Contributor
amarelo escuro Clothing = Textiles Sandrine Martins 
ensacado Clothing = Textiles Amy Duncan 
bolsa lancha P Clothing = Textiles Amy Duncan 
bolsa toda nervurada Clothing = Textiles Amy Duncan 
Fralda cueca Clothing = Textiles Web-lingo 
Linha / fio Clothing = Textiles Sandra Almeida 
roupas de bem-estar Clothing = Textiles Silvia Pereira Duarte 
cesto/recipiente Clothing = Textiles Mauro Lando 
moletom Clothing = Textiles xxxvrede 
camisa social Clothing = Textiles xxxvrede 
abrigo esportivo Clothing = Textiles xxxvrede 
sapatos de lona Clothing = Textiles Ique 
acabamento Clothing = Textiles Nattalia Paterson 
passadeira tricopa Clothing = Textiles nubia 
colans Clothing = Textiles Amy Duncan 
paetizada Clothing = Textiles Amy Duncan 
lã fervida Clothing = Textiles French2English 
bolso de navalha Clothing = Textiles Eliane Lourinho 
renda Clothing = Textiles
Tanga Clothing = Textiles Diana Salama 

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