08 May 06:39 GMT

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Spanish: Other > Communications = Telecommunications

Term/concept Contributor
entrefase Communications = Telecommunications Leon Hunter 
eliminar colores Communications = Telecommunications Rosa Rubio 
temas pendientes Communications = Telecommunications Rosa Rubio 
RateWatcher(TM) Communications = Telecommunications Celeste Orellana Issaly 
entornos hostiles Communications = Telecommunications Eloisa Anchezar 
Relleno de carbono Communications = Telecommunications Rossana Fernandez 
capacidad de equipo Communications = Telecommunications Rossana Fernandez 
sonda de rescate Communications = Telecommunications Rossana Fernandez 
traje encapsulado Communications = Telecommunications Rossana Fernandez 
entradas de registro Communications = Telecommunications Brenda Joseph 
Conmutador Ethernet/Switch Ethernet Communications = Telecommunications Rocío Aguilar Otsu 
se invierte Communications = Telecommunications Aurora Humarán 
arquitectura en anillo Communications = Telecommunications Aurora Humarán 
autoregenerativa Communications = Telecommunications Aurora Humarán 
arrollamiento primario/secundario Communications = Telecommunications Rocío Aguilar Otsu 
arado submarino Communications = Telecommunications María T. Vargas 
cableros Communications = Telecommunications María T. Vargas 
enlaces con/sin derivaciones Communications = Telecommunications Rocío Aguilar Otsu 
herramienta de recursos Communications = Telecommunications Lida Garcia 
derecho de paso Communications = Telecommunications Maria Eugenia Roca Rodriguez 

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