02 May 23:21 GMT

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Collection owner:
Nikki Graham (0 pts)

12 total concepts
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actuando en su nombre/... acting on his/her own behalf / as a representative of (English) Nikki Graham 
autocontratación self-dealing (English) Nikki Graham 
cédula de citación summons / subpoena (English) Nikki Graham 
concuerda con su matriz que paso ante mi... it agrees with the original I executed and which is on file .... (English) Nikki Graham 
Cupo sindical femenino quota for women in trade unions (English) Nikki Graham 
dependencia de hecho o de derecho de facto or de jure status (English) Nikki Graham 
Ley de extranjería The legislation regarding the immigration of people in a country. Nikki Graham 
ley de sociedades corporations law (English) Nikki Graham 
patente de invención Patents = Law: Patents Nikki Graham 
se contarán por días, meses o años naturales salvo contraindicación expresa shall be understood as calendar days, months or years... (English) Nikki Graham 
societas deliquere non potest. societas delinquere non potest. (English), scoietas (English) Nikki Graham 
Y para que conste a los efectos oportunos, se expide a presente certificación... for the record / in witness whereof (English) Nikki Graham 

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