02 May 23:57 GMT

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Communications = Telecommunications

Term/concept Contributor
persister Communications = Telecommunications Enza Longo 
remain active Communications = Telecommunications Enza Longo 
marquage informatique Communications = Telecommunications Enza Longo 
tracking code Communications = Telecommunications Enza Longo 
driving (ici) Communications = Telecommunications Lucie LAVERGNE 
piloter Communications = Telecommunications Lucie LAVERGNE 
Vermittlungsziel Communications = Telecommunications Patricia Will 
routing destination Communications = Telecommunications Patricia Will 
entrefase Communications = Telecommunications Leon Hunter 
interface Communications = Telecommunications Leon Hunter 
immersive Communications = Telecommunications Carla Schaudt 
hier: fesselnd Communications = Telecommunications Carla Schaudt 
knockout colors Communications = Telecommunications Rosa Rubio 
eliminar colores Communications = Telecommunications Rosa Rubio 
parking lot Communications = Telecommunications Rosa Rubio 
temas pendientes Communications = Telecommunications Rosa Rubio 
ratewatcher Communications = Telecommunications Celeste Orellana Issaly 
RateWatcher(TM) Communications = Telecommunications Celeste Orellana Issaly 
basic feed Communications = Telecommunications fgb 
segnale di base Communications = Telecommunications fgb 

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