27 Jul 02:46 GMT

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Cultdom  SML , fandom  beachtyper 
Pseudo-synonym of the word "fandom". Titular proper noun, coined for the marketing purposes of two podcasts, of necessity beginning with the letter "c". Invented by science fiction fan, Dave Cooper, "cultdom" originated as the title of a podcast in which Cooper participated. The podcast was originally entitled "Celestial Intervention Agency", but the producers of the programme felt that a name change was required which would not change its acronym. Hence, Cooper invented "cultdom" as a part of the larger title, "Cultdom In Audio". When that show effectively ended, Cooper began to produce his own show under the moniker, "The Cultdom Collective". As of summer 2009, the term is likely known to less than 1000 people, given download statistics for "The Cultdom Collective", as provided by talkshoe.com. As a consequence of its origins, it's more titular than expressive. Even within the context of Cooper's show, it's rarely used in any other way but to describe the podcast itself.  beachtyper (src: http://recordings.talkshoe.com/TC-30659/TS-119692.mp3) 
"We recorded another edition of 'The Cultdom Collective' last Sunday."  beachtyper 

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