10 May 15:44 GMT

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Swedish: Dentistry = Medical: Dentistry

Term/concept Contributor
bildfångst Dentistry = Medical: Dentistry Lennart Helgesson 
styrhylsor Dentistry = Medical: Dentistry Kate Persson 
stifttänder Dentistry = Medical: Dentistry Lisa Dahlander 
tunghållare/tungplatta Dentistry = Medical: Dentistry Anette Herbert 
djup på tandkött Dentistry = Medical: Dentistry Tess Whitty 
högguldlegering Dentistry = Medical: Dentistry Marie Eriksson 
borstmönster Dentistry = Medical: Dentistry maxaster 
fixturbortstötning Dentistry = Medical: Dentistry Tess Whitty 
pustömning Dentistry = Medical: Dentistry Tess Whitty 
utlämning. Dentistry = Medical: Dentistry Tess Whitty 
tvåledad bro Dentistry = Medical: Dentistry xxxBirgitta G 
praktiserande tandläkare Dentistry = Medical: Dentistry Elisabeth Tauvon 
% linjärt Dentistry = Medical: Dentistry Marie Eriksson 
Hög avverkning Dentistry = Medical: Dentistry Andy Bell 

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