05 May 13:54 GMT

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Italian: Communications = Telecommunications

Term/concept Contributor
matrice di commutazione Communications = Telecommunications Marina Rossa 
esposizione debitoria residuale Communications = Telecommunications Fiona Grace Peterson 
comportamento debitorio Communications = Telecommunications Fiona Grace Peterson 
a qualsiasi titolo Communications = Telecommunications Fiona Grace Peterson 
appropriazione indebita Communications = Telecommunications Fiona Grace Peterson 
proroga tacita Communications = Telecommunications Fiona Grace Peterson 
canone anticipato costante Communications = Telecommunications Fiona Grace Peterson 
cover/scocca/guscio intercambiabile Communications = Telecommunications Pamela Brizzola 
carta vincente Communications = Telecommunications Federica Banzola 
Troupe ENG Communications = Telecommunications Matteo Meoni 
press rate card Communications = Telecommunications Matteo Meoni 
presentazioni video aziendali Communications = Telecommunications Roberta Zanasi 
errore di attivazione Communications = Telecommunications Andrea Re 
segnale di occupato Communications = Telecommunications Andrea Re 
blocco dei prefissi Communications = Telecommunications Robert Mongiello 
supporto del cuscinetto Communications = Telecommunications Federica74 
completa Communications = Telecommunications Giovanna N. 
finestra Communications = Telecommunications Diana Mecarelli 
supporto Communications = Telecommunications Andrea Re 
questionario elettronico Communications = Telecommunications Giovanna N. 

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