03 May 13:04 GMT

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French: Clothing = Textiles

Term/concept Contributor
matelassage Clothing = Textiles Els Peleman 
point gordon Clothing = Textiles caro44 
pare-feux Clothing = Textiles xxxmadli 
(textiles) en mousse Clothing = Textiles xxxmadli 
jupe pare-neige Clothing = Textiles Rolf Kern 
jupe par niege Clothing = Textiles Rolf Kern 
blanc pur Clothing = Textiles FredP 
mule Clothing = Textiles FredP 
Tubino Clothing = Textiles Kelvin Wu 
simili Clothing = Textiles Kelvin Wu 
cranter Clothing = Textiles Kelvin Wu 
articles de coquetterie Clothing = Textiles Tineke Pockelé 
panneautage Clothing = Textiles vfouet 
jupe virevoltante Clothing = Textiles remyrosf 
tissu (en) bogolan Clothing = Textiles Mathieu Alliard 
jupes et pantalons Clothing = Textiles V. H. 
coupes Clothing = Textiles V. H. 
poignet / bracelet Clothing = Textiles Claire Mendes Real 
passe-ruban Clothing = Textiles ludostef 
bouillonner Clothing = Textiles ludostef 

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