01 May 15:30 GMT

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English: Politics = Government

Term/concept Contributor
Act of Volition Politics = Government Orla Ryan 
Reich Treasury Bond Politics = Government Orla Ryan 
Reg. (Regulation) Politics = Government Orla Ryan 
Restitution Act Politics = Government Orla Ryan 
Financial procurator Politics = Government Orla Ryan 
Oberschlesien - Upper Silesia Politics = Government Orla Ryan 
resulting from persecution Politics = Government Orla Ryan 
Reich Citizenship Law Politics = Government Orla Ryan 
hereditary beneficiary Politics = Government Orla Ryan 
branch office (Organismo oficial) Politics = Government Monica Colangelo 
panacea Hypothetical remedy for all ills or diseases; once sought by the alchemist... Wordnet 
nostrum Hypothetical remedy for all ills or diseases; once sought by the alchemist... Wordnet 
cure-all Hypothetical remedy for all ills or diseases; once sought by the alchemist... Wordnet 
libertarianism An ideological belief in freedom of thought and speech Wordnet 
anarchism Politics = Government Rafa Lombardino 
mutualism Politics = Government Rafa Lombardino 
Irish Republican Army A militant organization of Irish nationalists who used terrorism and gueril... Wordnet 
IRA A militant organization of Irish nationalists who used terrorism and gueril... Wordnet 
Provisional Irish Republican Army A militant organization of Irish nationalists who used terrorism and gueril... Wordnet 
Provisional IRA A militant organization of Irish nationalists who used terrorism and gueril... Wordnet 

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