17 May 07:26 GMT

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German: Maritime = Ships

Term/concept Contributor
die Lippklampe Wolfgang Jörissen 
Blasvorrichtung Maritime = Ships Chinmayi Sripada 
Unterwasserschalleintrag Maritime = Ships Chinmayi Sripada 
Rammung/einrammen Maritime = Ships Chinmayi Sripada 
Schleppanode Maritime = Ships Yolande Haneder 
Persenning Maritime = Ships Yolande Haneder 
Einrumpfboot Maritime = Ships Sybille Brückner 
freigekoppelt Maritime = Ships Stephanie Sullivan 
schwojend Maritime = Ships Sybille Brückner 
Fahrtensegeln/Fahrtensegler Maritime = Ships Sybille Brückner 
Regatta Maritime = Ships Sybille Brückner 
Saugkorb , filter Maritime = Ships xxxBrandis 
Doppelstag Maritime = Ships xxxBrandis 
Hecksteg Maritime = Ships Elvira Schmid 
Steckschott Maritime = Ships Ryszard Matuszewski 
Schwalbennest Maritime = Ships Ryszard Matuszewski 
Aufriggen Maritime = Ships Ryszard Matuszewski 
Fachleute, Experten Maritime = Ships Manuela Junghans 
Revieren Maritime = Ships Giovanna N. 
Seegebiete Maritime = Ships Giovanna N. 

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