16 Jun 03:48 GMT

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English: Genetics

Term/concept Contributor
double-helix structure esim. DNA:ssa Bogdan Petrovic 
hone in on Genetics maria pla 
ETC Genetics
gemellology The scientific study of twins Science451 
gemellology The scientific study of twins Science451 
genotype and phenotype Genetics cebice 
acceptor site Genetics Gull-Britt Orsén 
leader-less exon Genetics Gull-Britt Orsén 
RNA editing Genetics Justyna Pietrasik 
multiplexing Genetics Stephanie Huss 
genetically engineered Genetics Gianfranco Zecchino 
interbreed Genetics tere aguilar 
nonsense mutation Genetics Lisa Frideborg Eddy 
susceptibility gene kasvattaa jonkin (esim. perinnöllisen sairauden) ilmentymisen todennäköisyy rjp 
quarter Genetics rjp 
strand slippage Genetics kenequiz 
null-segregant Genetics xxxBirgitta G 
antiviral ribozyme vector Genetics Carolina Fryd 
PLAQUE HIBRIDIZATION Genetics Daniela Pesce 
PROCESSING Genetics Daniela Pesce 

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