30 Apr 09:35 GMT

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military  Wordnet , armed forces  Wordnet , armed services  Wordnet , military machine  Wordnet , war machine  Wordnet 
The military forces of a nation  Wordnet 
"Their military is the largest in the region."  Wordnet 
"The military machine is the same one we faced in 1991 but now it is weaker."  Wordnet 
"The military machine is the same one we faced in 1991 but now it is weaker."  Wordnet 

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جيش   1 validation  moutarjim05 
قوات عسكرية للأمّة   1 validation  moutarjim05 

Streitkräfte   1 validation  belitrix 
Militär eines Staates   1 validation  belitrix 

forze armate   1 validation  xxxsilvia b 
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forces (armées)   1 validation  belitrix , armée   1 validation  belitrix 
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