07 May 09:58 GMT

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Swedish: Clothing = Textiles

Term/concept Contributor
stickas Clothing = Textiles Mabel Garzón 
utfallsprov Clothing = Textiles Mabel Garzón 
tilldragen Clothing = Textiles Mabel Garzón 
kantstickningar Clothing = Textiles Mabel Garzón 
overlockade ihop Clothing = Textiles Mabel Garzón 
ringspunnen Clothing = Textiles Mabel Garzón 
nervikt med slag Clothing = Textiles Mabel Garzón 
fleeceplagg Clothing = Textiles Asya Sokirko 
rullkrok Clothing = Textiles Staffan Wiman 
behagligt mot kroppen Clothing = Textiles C. Heljestrand 
avhasplingsram Clothing = Textiles Mario Marcolin 
bobinvinda Clothing = Textiles Mario Marcolin 
basker Clothing = Textiles
kypert Clothing = Textiles
noppra Clothing = Textiles Matthew Roy, Ph.D. 
Filt Clothing = Textiles
strass Clothing = Textiles Elisabeth Tauvon 
rak kjol Clothing = Textiles Johanna Holmberg 
midjebyxa Clothing = Textiles Donato 
vindoverall Clothing = Textiles Donato 

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