19 May 13:59 GMT

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Swedish: Clothing = Textiles

Term/concept Contributor
krinklad Clothing = Textiles Erik Hansson 
avrinningseffekt Clothing = Textiles Inger Brandt 
avskalade Clothing = Textiles Charlesp 
korkull Clothing = Textiles Iouri Belov 
fingerring Clothing = Textiles Eva Gustavsson 
hissgardin Clothing = Textiles Erik Hansson 
beige Clothing = Textiles Thomas Johansson 
innerjacka Clothing = Textiles Thomas Johansson 
membran Clothing = Textiles cologne 
linnen Clothing = Textiles Charlesp 
paljettbroderier Clothing = Textiles Charlesp 
handdrejad frans Clothing = Textiles Meadow Media 
kantad arm/halsringning Clothing = Textiles C. Heljestrand 
Sprunden Clothing = Textiles Elisabeth Tauvon 
duschesse siden Clothing = Textiles Johanna Holmberg 
kostymmakare Clothing = Textiles Elisabeth Tauvon 
Lift Clothing = Textiles cologne 
knytblus Clothing = Textiles Johanna Holmberg 
skrynkla sig Clothing = Textiles cologne 
pallar Clothing = Textiles Mabel Garzón 

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