02 May 00:27 GMT

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Piante e Fiori
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Collection owner:
elysee (245 pts)

27 total concepts
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Af flere arter findes is�r ud mod stranden. De fleste (ca. 80%) er Glat hunderose. De plusieurs vari�t�s, on les trouve surtout pr�s de la plage. La plupart (environ 80%) sont des �glantiers (French) elysee 
beach pea Wild pea of seashores of north temperate zone having tough roots and purple...
cowgrass resin r�sine d'herbe � �p�e (French) elysee 
Decorazioni per bomboniere e confetti elysee 
Den er fredet ! C'est une esp�ce prot�g�e! (French) elysee 
elder Any of numerous shrubs or small trees of temperate and subtropical northern...
Er som navnet siger kl�bende, is�r p� b�gerbladene Elle est gluante, surtout au niveau des s�pales (French) elysee 
Etiquette � planter Etichetta a punta da conficcare (Italian) elysee 
field bindweed Weakly climbing European perennial with white or pink flowers; naturalized...
field mustard Weedy Eurasian plant often a pest in grain fields
forglemmigej A plant with blue (sometime also pink) blossoms. elysee 
hedge nettle Foul-smelling perennial Eurasiatic herb with a green creeping rhizome
hindbaer raspberry (English) elysee 
K�mpe bj�rneklo Giant Hogweed is a perennial plant reaching heights of 10-15 feet. The stem... Hans-Bertil Karlsson 
Maj-G�geurt Botany elysee 
oriental poppy Commonly cultivated Asiatic perennial poppy having stiff heavily haired lea...
p�tasite petasite (Italian) elysee 

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