08 May 15:54 GMT

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Collection owner:
Paula Góes (17130 pts)

36 total concepts
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Term/concept Concept submitter
ATM (Automated Teller Machine) Banco 24 horas (Portuguese), pinautomaat (Dutch) Paula Góes 
automaton A mechanism that can move automatically
Bedlam, madhouse Hospício (Portuguese) Paula Góes 
bilateral trade agreement Bilateral trade agreement lingua chick 
Bosom friend Amigo de peito (Portuguese), boezemvriend (Dutch) Paula Góes 
building society British equivalent of United States savings and loan association
Câmara Tube (de pneu) chamber (grupo de pessoas) (Portuguese) Paula Góes 
Come of age Atingir a maioridade (Portuguese), meerderjarig worden (Dutch) Paula Góes 
Corporation Empresa, companhia, firma ou ainda sociedade anônima (Portuguese), onderneming (Dutch) Paula Góes 
customer Someone who pays for goods or services
Defense attorney Advogado de defesa (Portuguese), advocaat (Dutch) Paula Góes 
Deinstallation Computers: Software NickWatson 
ET Standard time in the 5th time zone west of Greenwich, reckoned at the 75th ...
feature Other Paulo Celestino Guimaraes 
Fit of anger Acesso de raiva (Portuguese), woedeaanval (Dutch) Paula Góes 
Free sample Amostra grátis (Portuguese), gratis (proef)monster (Dutch) Paula Góes 
Graduate program Curso de pós-graduação (Portuguese) Paula Góes 
Hoop Bambolê (Portuguese) Paula Góes 

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