05 May 10:42 GMT

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Polish: Politics = Government

Term/concept Contributor
aneksja The formal act of acquiring something (especially territory) by conquest or
zabór The formal act of acquiring something (especially territory) by conquest or
zajęcie The formal act of acquiring something (especially territory) by conquest or
rewolucja The overthrow of a government by those who are governed
organizacja pozarzadowa Nichtregierungsorganisation KudoZ 
Organizacja pozarządowa Nichtregierungsorganisation 0 
Poznań GeographyGovernment / PoliticsHistoryHotels = TourismInternational Org/Dev/CoopLeisure = TourismOtherPolitics = GovernmentTourism & TravelTravel = Tourism Jay Whitten 
Lubań GeographyGovernment / PoliticsHistoryHotels = TourismInternational Org/Dev/CoopLeisure = TourismOtherPolitics = GovernmentTourism & TravelTravel = Tourism Jay Whitten 
Opole GeographyGovernment / PoliticsHistoryHotels = TourismInternational Org/Dev/CoopLeisure = TourismOtherPolitics = GovernmentTourism & TravelTravel = Tourism Jay Whitten 
Szczecin GeographyGovernment / PoliticsHistoryHotels = TourismInternational Org/Dev/CoopLeisure = TourismOtherPolitics = GovernmentTourism & TravelTravel = Tourism Jay Whitten 
subsydia wywozowe Politics = Government Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL 
Europejska Konferederacja Związków Zawodowych (EKZZ) Politics = Government Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL 
Europejska Konferederacja Związków Zawodowych (EKZZ) Politics = Government Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL 
europejski dialog społeczny Politics = Government Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL 
Europejskie Federacje Branżowe Politics = Government Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL 
Europejskie Federacje Branżowe Politics = Government Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL 
europejski fundusz dostowania do zmian globalizacyjnych Politics = Government Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL 
europejski fundusz dostowania do zmian globalizacyjnych Politics = Government Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL 
Fundusze europejskie Politics = Government Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL 
Europejski Urząd ds. Bezpieczeństwa Żywności Politics = Government Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL 

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