19 May 00:17 GMT

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Paper cutters
Machines for the paper converting industry
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Collection owner:
belitrix (10875 pts)

15 total concepts
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Term/concept Concept submitter
Anschlag A mechanical limitation of the movement of a technical device. C. Jacobs 
Anschlag Paper / Paper Manufacturing belitrix 
backgauge The rear gauge of a paper cutting machine pushing the ream forwards under t... Bogdan Petrovic 
centrifugal casting In centrifugal casting, a permanent mold is rotated about its axis at high ... Miranda Joubioux 
Maschinen-Selbstüberwachung Automatic control of the machine functions executed by the machine itself belitrix 
millboard Stout pasteboard used to bind books
Sammelbogen A printed sheet with motives of different sizes (e.g. different types of la... belitrix 
Sattelrechen Un dispositf sous forme d'un râteau disposé devant l'équerre. belitrix 
Seitenlineal righello per la messa in squadra a destra o a sinistra belitrix 
Sendediode A diode emitting signals belitrix 
Senderkette Interconnected emitters belitrix 
Sicherungsbolzen, der A bolt used to prevent technical and security problems in machine functions... cdh 
Spindel A long rotating screw ensuring certain movements in a machine. Leo te Braake | dutCHem 
Spindelmutter A nut screwed on a threaded bolt of a machine ensuring a certain movement o... belitrix 
Spindelspiel Certain tolerances in the movement of the table spindle of a paper cutter belitrix 

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