20 May 11:45 GMT

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Swedish: Business/Commerce (general)

Term/concept Contributor
direktleverans Business/Commerce (general) Katarina Andersson 
riskkapital Business/Commerce (general) Richard Johnson B.Tech. 
styrelsesuppleanter Business/Commerce (general) Richard Johnson B.Tech. 
delgivningsbar person Business/Commerce (general) Richard Johnson B.Tech. 
Konsortium Business/Commerce (general) Åsa Valley 
spara uppgifter Business/Commerce (general) Thomas Johansson 
feldimensionerat Business/Commerce (general) Charlesp 
kundservice/garantiservice Business/Commerce (general) Thomas Johansson 
kundansvarig Business/Commerce (general) xxxBirgitta G 
kundreception Business/Commerce (general) Anna Blanck 
enskilda sektorn Business/Commerce (general) Bengt Evertsson 
handelsarrangemang Business/Commerce (general) Bengt Evertsson 
bemyndiganden; auktoriseringar Business/Commerce (general) Bengt Evertsson 
offentlig upphandling Business/Commerce (general) Bengt Evertsson 
bidragsgivare Business/Commerce (general) Mats Wikberg 
fakturadatum Business/Commerce (general) Lennart Helgesson 
Materialadministration Business/Commerce (general) Görel Bylund 
Godsmottagen kvantitet Business/Commerce (general) Görel Bylund 
vinst per aktie Business/Commerce (general) Margit Pehrsson 
rimlig omfattning Business/Commerce (general) Anette Herbert 

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