21 May 01:02 GMT

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Spanish: Maritime = Ships

Term/concept Contributor
DIA SHINC FAS Maritime = Ships Terejimenez 
picareteado Maritime = Ships André Höchemer 
jefe de guardia Maritime = Ships Manuel Par 
vela de crucero Maritime = Ships Anna Moorby DipTrans 
bomba de achique Maritime = Ships Daniela Alsina 
Aguas Oleosas Maritime = Ships
cadena de ancla Maritime = Ships Sheila Hardie 
aleta Maritime = Ships Sheila Hardie 
lado costa Maritime = Ships Giovannapm 
buque madre Maritime = Ships
luces de tope Maritime = Ships mgazitua 
barco de efecto-superficie Maritime = Ships Andrea Wright 
madera / maderas Maritime = Ships jorge_trad 
guardavidas/salvavidas Maritime = Ships jorge_trad 
roda redondeada Maritime = Ships Andrea Wright 
contramoldeado Maritime = Ships Raquel Bautista Valbuena 
aparejador Maritime = Ships Leticia Klemetz, CT 
cola Maritime = Ships Lorna O'Donoghue 
cabos Maritime = Ships Jenette Holyoak 
buque tanque Maritime = Ships Giovannapm 

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