24 Apr 19:42 GMT

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xxxjarry (0 pts)

431 total concepts
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Doeluitkering Designated or defined benefit (English) xxxjarry 
... aan derden worden tegengeworpen ... can be invoked against third parties (English) xxxjarry 
... als op de wet gegrond ... by operation of the law (English) xxxjarry 
... dit om tocht te vermijden via de verluchtingsschacht in order to prevent a draught entering the ventilation duct (English) xxxjarry 
..., thans pro resto EUR xxx ..., and a balance outstanding of EUR xxx (English) xxxjarry 
(het) muteren en produceren van cards making changes to and producing cards (English) xxxjarry 
(weer)haakje (Het risico is dat aansprekende uitingen door interne overwegingen 'grijs' worden gemaakt tot veilige uitingen...) The risk is that internal considerations result in imaginative statements being diluted, making them innocuous and lacking ... (English) xxxjarry 
(zich) voegen ter terechtzitting to appear in court (English) xxxjarry 
A.O. Accounting and internal control system (English) xxxjarry 
aandeelhouderschap overnemen X takes over as shareholder from Y (English) xxxjarry 
aankunnen (ability to) cope with (English) xxxjarry 
aanmaning demand for payment (as opposed to payment reminder) (English) xxxjarry 
abonnementhouder (van parkeerplaats) parking tenant (English) xxxjarry 
achterblijven op de begroting not achieve budgeted targets (English) xxxjarry 
actieve/passieve latentie deferred tax debits and credits (English) xxxjarry 
Activeren en inactiveren van kosten Capitalise and expense (project) income and costs (English) xxxjarry 
ad i/h totaal amounting to BEF 1000000 in total (English) xxxjarry 
adviesaanvraag; wanprestatie Request for opinion / breach of contract (English) xxxjarry 

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