18 Apr 17:26 GMT

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food processor  Wordnet 
A kitchen appliance with interchangeable blades; used for shredding or blending or chopping or slicing food  Wordnet 

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Küchenmaschine   1 validation  belitrix 
Maschine mit diversen Funktionen wie Schneiden, Häckseln etc.   1 validation  belitrix 

robot ménager   1 validation  belitrix , robot   1 validation  Miranda Joubioux , robot de cuisine   1 validation  Miranda Joubioux 
Machine de cuisine automatique permettant de traiter des commestibles, les hacher etc.   1 validation  belitrix 

جهاز لإعداد الطعام   1 validation  A Nabil Bouitieh 
جهاز من أدوات المطبخ يستعمل لتقطيع أو فرم أو خلط الطعام   1 validation  A Nabil Bouitieh (src: معجم المصطلحات العلمية والفنية الجديد) 
"لجهاز إعداد الطعام فوائد عديدة "   1 validation  A Nabil Bouitieh 

mutfak robotu   1 validation  Özden Arıkan 
Doğrama, parçalama, dilme, kıyma, harmanlama ve türlü işler için ayrı uç ve bıçakları olan elektrikli mutfak aleti.   1 validation  Özden Arıkan 
"Kitaptaki Nevra ben değilim... kocama kızıp bir mutfak robotunu pencereden atmadım."   1 validation  Özden Arıkan (src: Ayşe Kulin, "Bir Gün" romanıyla ilgili söyleşisi, Aksiyon dergisi) 

procesadora de alimentos   2 validations  tombong02012 , procesadora de alimentos   1 validation  Rafa Lombardino , procesador de alimentos   1 validation  Julio Torres 
Please enter the Spanish definition of this concept.

keukenmachine   1 validation  PotreBlyadz 
Please enter the Dutch definition of this concept.

processador de alimentos   1 validation  Qiuyang Trans 
Please enter the Portuguese definition of this concept.

robot da cucina   1 validation  Moll 
Please enter the Italian definition of this concept.

食物處理機   1 validation  fuyanyu 
Please enter the Chinese definition of this concept.

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KudoZ - food processor > procesadora de alimentos

KudoZ - food processor > keukenmachine

KudoZ - food processor > robot da cucina

KudoZ - food processor > robot da cucina

KudoZ - food processor > processador de alimentos

KudoZ - robot da cucina > food processor

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